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Learn the potential fire sources of your building and hire professional security guards in Santa Barbara to monitor them regularly

As an office, construction site, or commercial building owner you have the accountability to safeguard your staff and assets. Fire outbreak is one of the major reasons that can cause financial loss apart from taking human lives. Therefore, you have to hire professional security guards in San Diego County so that you can ensure fire does not cause any loss of lives or assets. The commercial building security will provide fire watch protection services and reduce the risk of fire breakouts.

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Potential sources of fire in your building

Gas and chemical: Fire can break out from gas tanks, and inflammable materials such as different types of chemicals, equipment, etc. There are many ways through which fire outbreaks can happen. The caps or lids might not be tightly closed. The storage doors might also not be closed properly. Leaving tanks and bottles in unusual and abnormal places can lead to fire eruption as well. You have to keep in mind that fluids, as well as fumes, can be sources of fire.

Trash, cigarettes: When we throw trash at one place, we usually discard everything we don’t need into the pile. The building up of trash that constitute packing materials is vulnerable to catching fire. If you smoke a cigarette near it, there are chances that the flakes will fall into it and start a fire. Cigarette butts can also start a fire if it is not put out properly.

Faulty wiring: fire from the electrical wires is extremely common. Your electrical wires can catch fire due to lines getting overheated, improper wiring, etc. Sparks from the wires can start fire in your building as well.

Benefits of hiring fire watch security guards

• The professional security guards in San Diego County will continuously survey and vigil every area of your commercial building or construction site. They will address anomalies by reporting them to the administration.

• The guards will offer round-the-clock service by walking through the building and supervising the area for minimizing risks related to fire.

• The commercial building security will regularly check whether fire extinguishing equipment is working properly or not. They will also make sure the fire exits are uncluttered so that smooth evacuation can be done if there is any kind of emergency.

• The fire watch guards will provide first aid service if the fire breaks out. They will also be the persons who communicate with the fire department.

Why choose Smart Guardian Security?

  • Smart Guardian Security is one of the top security service providers in California State. The company has been in this business for decades and knows how to provide protection.
  • The security guards come from a law enforcement background. They are intensively trained in communication and conflict resolution. Therefore, you can remain stress-free and do not have to worry about security at your construction site.
  • The guards will escort out any person who is causing a ruckus inside the construction security. They will also make sure that the employees are safe from any kind of physical harm.
  • Our security service is always available for you. We are available 24/7 and 365 days a year.
  • We will set up security cameras so that large areas can be monitored and supervised. The security cameras that we will provide are infrared cameras and therefore, it will be easy to spot someone if he or she tries to trespass into the construction site.
  • The guards of our company will look into both internal as well as external threats. They will look into the employees as well as there is a possibility that the employees will steal the equipment from the construction site.
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