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Security for parking lots

Business owners spend a lot of time and effort in setting up security plans for their buildings but often ignore providing a proper security system for the parking lot. According to experts, more than 80% of crimes that happens in public facilities take place in the parking lot. Vehicle break-ins, vandalism, and muggings are some of the most common parking lot crimes. By hiring parking lot security, you can minimize the crime rate and increase the safety of the premises. Professional security guards can maintain a safe environment, prevent crime and provide quick responses when needed.

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Why you need security guards in the parking lot:

• The presence of a security guard can deter them from the parking lot. The visibility of one parking lot security guard can make criminals head in the other direction. Apart from theft, guards can deter criminal incidents such as vandalism, property damage, and breaking and entering into your business.

• Parking lot security guards can bring a sense of security to your staff and visitors. They can provide safety to employees who need access to your company during the early morning or late at night. They can also act as escorts for visitors, employees, and other guests who need to go through your parking lot during odd hours. Also, our security guards can investigate those who might seem out of place on your property.

• Without the presence of security guards, many drivers can throw out the road rules and regulations. It is the security guard's job to remind every visitor to drive safely and use precautions. This way, guards can reduce dangerous driving practices.

• Our security guards perform regular patrol around the parking lot and ensure no one has access to the restricted area. They can verify identification, check driver credentials and even monitor illegal substances or items.

• Our security guards are good at providing customer services, they can make people feel there is help available if they require it. Surveillance cameras can be an advantage for your security but they can't provide services like on-site security officers. On-site security personnel can promote a safe business environment by bringing a sense of security around the premises.

We, Smart Guardian Security can provide adequate security for your parking lot around the clock. Many people die every year in parking lot accidents which means people are not safe in the parking zones ad garages. Deploying strong security is essential for every parking lot. This can make your parking lot less prone to breaking and entering, vandalism, and other criminal incidents.

Why choose Smart Guardian Security?

  • Smart Guardian Security is one of the top security service providers in California State. The company has been in this business for decades and knows how to provide protection.
  • The security guards come from a law enforcement background. They are intensively trained in communication and conflict resolution. Therefore, you can remain stress-free and do not have to worry about security at your construction site.
  • The guards will escort out any person who is causing a ruckus inside the construction security. They will also make sure that the employees are safe from any kind of physical harm.
  • Our security service is always available for you. We are available 24/7 and 365 days a year.
  • We will set up security cameras so that large areas can be monitored and supervised. The security cameras that we will provide are infrared cameras and therefore, it will be easy to spot someone if he or she tries to trespass into the construction site.
  • The guards of our company will look into both internal as well as external threats. They will look into the employees as well as there is a possibility that the employees will steal the equipment from the construction site.
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