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Hospital security

Hospitals are extremely vulnerable places as many people gather here to treat their loved ones. People of different mentality are found in hospitals. Often the family members or the patients remain in an agitated or excited state.They frequently abuse the staffs such as the doctors or the nurses. Physical altercations are also not an unusual thing. Disobedience of the patients, petty theft, violent assaults, vandalism, grand theft auto are some of the crimes associated with a hospital in California. It is therefore, important to have maximum security at your hospital.

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Why do you need hospital security guards?

• Your hospital must have security if you want to protect your assets. There are many sensitive information in the hospital regarding patients and other data that are confidential. It is the duty of the guards to ensure that no one is physically able to procure these data. The guards will also protect the physical assets like medical equipment etc. from getting damaged.

• The patient family often remains in an excited state. They forget to maintain the sanctity and silence that should be kept in the hospital. These people often engage in conflicts with the doctors and nurses and verbally abuse them. The security guards will escort them out of the building so that they cannot create anymore nuisance.

• One of the main responsibilities as a guard of the hospital security is to maintain access control. They will make sure that unauthorized people cannot access prohibited areas. The guards will be present in sensitive areas such as the ICUs, and ventilator rooms so that no one can just enter into these areas.

• The guards will check the temperature of the visitors coming into the hospital. If anyone has high temperature then that person has to do consult with a doctor or do COVID test.The guards will see to it that everyone within the building is wearing a mask. This way the impact of COVID-19 can be reduced.

• The hospital security guards will take over the security of the parking lot as well. The parking lot rules and regulations will be imposed by the security guards to anyone who wishes to park their car in the parking lot. They will help to park the vehicle of the visitors in a proper manner so that it does not create inconvenience to other people. They will control the traffic flow within the parking lot.

Therefore, having security for your hospitals can help you to gain several benefits. You should hire hospital security right away.

Why choose Smart Guardian Security?

  • Smart Guardian Security is one of the top security service providers in California State. The company has been in this business for decades and knows how to provide protection.
  • The security guards come from a law enforcement background. They are intensively trained in communication and conflict resolution. Therefore, you can remain stress-free and do not have to worry about security at your construction site.
  • The guards will escort out any person who is causing a ruckus inside the construction security. They will also make sure that the employees are safe from any kind of physical harm.
  • Our security service is always available for you. We are available 24/7 and 365 days a year.
  • We will set up security cameras so that large areas can be monitored and supervised. The security cameras that we will provide are infrared cameras and therefore, it will be easy to spot someone if he or she tries to trespass into the construction site.
  • The guards of our company will look into both internal as well as external threats. They will look into the employees as well as there is a possibility that the employees will steal the equipment from the construction site.
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