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Know the reasons why you should get security guards only from a professional security service provider in Windsor & Santa Rosa, CA

Security guard service in Carson

It is essential to pick a professional security service provider in Windsor & Santa Rosa, CA to get BSIS certified security guards.  Thefts, robberies, murders, vandalism are all occurring at broad day light and this is why there is an insane surge in demand for trained security guards right now.

BSIS certified guards have the following characteristic:

Being Aware

A competent security guard stays highly vigilant and is aware of their surroundings.  They have laser like focus and make sure that no significant information is missed by them. On the contrary, security guards that are poorly skilled don’t have enough skill to see the potential threats which can endanger the safety of the clients. So, it is important to get only professional security guards who are BSIS certified.  BSIS certified guards are meticulously trained and have the ability to sense impending threats.


For smooth operation of any organization, BSIS certified security guards play an instrumental role. The BSIS certified guards are efficient and are adept at taking charge of controlling building access and guarding an establishment from robbery and other offenses.

An indolent security guard could put the company at danger by not taking robust steps during times of need. Because of this, it is essential for every security guard company to perform background checks of their security guards before hiring them.


Security guards often have to take robust steps to prevent threats and thus it’s imperative that they stay within a healthy weight range. A guard who is not fit may not be able to offer robust security protection to its clients. One cannot deny the fact that there is a link between physical health and mental concentration.  It has been observed that crime rate significantly drops in areas that have well-groomed security officer present at the site.

Communication Proficiency
An efficient security guard will have both effective verbal and written communication skills. A competent guard will know how to communicate and settle complex things without taking violent actions.  Besides, communication enables the security guard to completely and precisely record every significant incident as well as the condition of the building at the end of their shift.  It is possible for occurrences to be misconstrued due to inadequate communication.

Thus, if you want professional security protection, it’s critical to hire trained and BSIS certified security guards. Smart Guardian Security (SGS) is one such security guard company that offers qualified security guards to its clients. Besides, the guards are provided with various training sessions such as power drills, crowd control management, rapid-decision making program and many more. Therefore, the guards are highly skilled to prevent threats from occurring.

Therefore, if you are searching for a highly professional security service provider in Windsor & Santa Rosa, CA, then get in touch with SGS immediately.

For more details click https://smartguardiansecurity.com/ or contact 8775904455

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