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State license PPO# 121512

Assisted Living Guard

Assisted living centers are an essential part of our community. Due to the age of the residents and their relative infirmity, miscreants target assisted living facilities for burglary. Also, 31% of the senior citizens living in assisted living suffer from dementia. They can wander of the facility at any time of the day or night. Therefore, to have high quality security is extremely important. Security guards will provide additional support to the staffs for taking care of the old age people.

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Why do you need assisted living security guards?

For creating resident safe environment: The security guards will ensure that the people living in the assisted living facility are safe and secure. Their presence will act as a natural visual deterrent for the miscreants. These miscreants will be discouraged to cause any type of crime within the facility. The guards will secure the assisted living facility. They will go on patrol either by foot or using segway. Any unwanted or suspicious activity will be neutralized by the security guards.

Access control: The guards will not allow unauthorized people to enter the building. They have to proof that they are related to any of the member of the assisted living to enter into the premise. The guards will also provide security to the visitors when they are within the precinct.

24/7 assistance: security guards will be always available for help. They will help the staff for managing and aiding the residents. If a senior citizen gets missing, the guards will be the first one who will track and find the person. If they are still missing then the guards will dial up the police and ambulance for emergency services.

Evacuation process: There can be instances of fire outbreaks due to faulty wiring, fuse problems, system issues etc. The security guards will regularly check if there is any anomaly from which fire can start. If they find anything unusual then they will report it to the appropriate authority. Also, in case fire actually breaks out, they will help in evacuating the residents out of the building.

Preventing and mitigating violence in assisted living facilities: It is extremely common for residents to cause injury to the staffs. Workplace violence is not unlikely in assisted living facilities. Therefore, it is important that there are security guards to prevent such kind of things from occurring. The presence of security personnel aids the staff to get motivated to practice and adhere to the safety measure of the facility.

Why choose Smart Guardian Security?

  • Smart Guardian Security is one of the top security service providers in California State. The company has been in this business for decades and knows how to provide protection.
  • The security guards come from a law enforcement background. They are intensively trained in communication and conflict resolution. Therefore, you can remain stress-free and do not have to worry about security at your construction site.
  • The guards will escort out any person who is causing a ruckus inside the construction security. They will also make sure that the employees are safe from any kind of physical harm.
  • Our security service is always available for you. We are available 24/7 and 365 days a year.
  • We will set up security cameras so that large areas can be monitored and supervised. The security cameras that we will provide are infrared cameras and therefore, it will be easy to spot someone if he or she tries to trespass into the construction site.
  • The guards of our company will look into both internal as well as external threats. They will look into the employees as well as there is a possibility that the employees will steal the equipment from the construction site.
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